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Welcome to the UK's leading B2B Data Solutions & Email Marketing Provider

Privacy policy

Who we are and how you can contact us

Acquirz Ltd (Acquirz) is a company based in the United Kingdom. 

Acquirz is a leading source of business information and insight. Acquirz licenses information about businesses to deliver products and services that assist our customers in making critical commercial decisions. Acquirz's UK Business Universe database contains more than two million business records. Some of the information we collect may be classified as "personal data" under UK and European Union (EU) law as it is information relating to an individual e.g. a sole trader, a partnership, a company director, a beneficial owner, a trustee or a professional contact etc.). This privacy notice provides the information we are required to give in relation to the processing of personal data under UK and EU data protection law.

Acquirz is registered in England and Wales under registration number 12199595, and our registered office is at 1 Rockfield Business Park, Old Station Drive, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 0AN. Our principal place of business is at the same address.


You can contact us about issues relating to personal data, including the contents of this notice, by any of the following methods:

  • Post: 1 Rockfield Business Park, Old Station Drive, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 0AN
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 01242 904100

This privacy notice is applicable when we carry out business information activities on residents of the EU or offer goods or services to businesses in the EU.

What information we process and why

Acquirz processes data, as a Data Controller, so that it can supply commercial data about organisations to other organisations. The purpose of this processing is to enable businesses to manage their financial risks, protect against fraud, know who they are doing business with, meet compliance and regulatory obligations and better understand organisations, industries and markets.

We also license or sell professional business contact information to authorised resellers or organisations for marketing and data management purposes.  We also offer a hosted email marketing service for oganisations using this information.

To do this, we license information on businesses and business contacts. This is our "Commercial Data" sometimes referred to as the Acquirz Business Universe and includes the following examples:

  • Company and business professional contact information, including company name, contact name, job title, address, landline and mobile number, fax number, email address, social media profiles, domain names;
  • Detailed company profiles and statistics, including number of employees;
  • Background information regarding company management, such as beneficial ownership/persons of significant control, the educational and career histories of company principals;
  • Company operational histories, including territories, subsidiaries, affiliates, and lines of business; Detailed trade and business credit information, including payment histories and patterns; Business information regarding profitability, debts, assets, net worth, and business relationships;
  • Business compliance information from public sources, government and professional records, media and business publications;
  • For our own business purposes, we also collect information such as:
  • Contact details for organisations and professional business contacts for customers and potential customers and suppliers (Acquirz's "Marketing Data").
  • Credit/debit card information in order to process certain customer payments
  • Information about the device you are using to access our websites, such as the type of device, its operating system, browser, IP address and what cookies are on it (for more information please see Acquirz's Cookie Policy).
  • Website usage such as what pages you have visited, which online services you have used and what content or data you have downloaded.
  • Login credentials such as your user name and password which are processed if you sign up to use our online services.

Acquirz does not collect or process any information in relation to UK or European resident's race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life or sexual orientation, genetic or biometric data.

Where do we get our data from

 Our Commercial Data originates from:

  • Data vendors

Our Marketing Data originates from:

  • Our customer and supplier base
  • Previous customers
  • Users of Acquirz products and services
  • Data vendors
  • Public sources
  • Events
  • Promotions
  • Content syndication
  • Website visitors
Our legal grounds for processing personal data

We process personal data under the ground of "legitimate interest". This includes the legitimate interests of Acquirz and legitimate interests of our clients. Acquirz’s legitimate business interests include:

  • The supply of Commercial Data - The purpose of this processing is to enable businesses to manage their financial risks, protect against fraud, know who they are doing business with, meet compliance and regulatory obligations and better understand organisations, industries, and markets. We also licence or sell professional business contact information to authorised resellers and carefully vetted organisations for marketing and data management purposes. We also offer a hosted email marketing service for organisations using this information.
  • The marketing of our business - We use personal data for marketing purposes, typically in relation to current or potential clients and their representatives. This includes providing original insight, commentary and research on data, marketing, early notifications of exclusive events, webinars and updates on our products and services.  We also have a legitimate interest to help people learn about our business, maintain our business relationships and monitor and improve our websites.

If you object to us using these grounds you can do so at any time as explained in section 9 below.

Who we share information with

We share our Commercial Data (and that may include personal data) with:

  • Customers – businesses and organisations with whom we enter into agreements to purchase or access our data 
  • Including but not limited to:
  1. TalkTalk Business
  2. Amazon Business
  3. UBER
  • Resellers - we licence professional business contact information to authorised resellers and third-party businesses for marketing and data management purposes.
  • Service providers - such as email service broadcasters, data verification and cleansers, data management and counting software providers, credit card processors, auditors, advisors, consultants, live help/chat providers and contractors, in order to support Acquirz's websites and business operations. We contractually require these recipients to only use personal data for the intended purpose of the disclosure and that they destroy or return it when it is no longer needed. 

We may also disclose personal data:

  • As required or appropriate in order to protect our website, business operations or legal rights, or in connection with a sale or merger involving Acquirz assets or businesses. In the event that Acquirz is purchased or sells parts or all of the business, the information collected will be considered an asset that can be transferred.
  • To a court, tribunal administrative authority, law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities or government agencies. If based in a country outside the UK or EU we would only comply with such a request if there was an international agreement in place, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty.

We share our Marketing Data (and that may include personal data):

  • Service providers – such as third party email broadcasting service in order to send you marketing emails, customer relationship management application (ZOHO), printing company to produce and send personalised direct mail, market research companies to help us better understand our clients and data services companies to clean our data and analyse, enhance and provide suppressions to keep it accurate. These service providers will not be allowed to use your information for their own purposes or on behalf of other organisations, unless you agree otherwise.
  • Business Transfers - if we sell our business to a third party, or go through a corporate reorganisation, we will transfer personal data to the company that acquires the business.
  • Regulators - we may sometimes need to pass personal data to a regulator such as the Information Commissioner's Office.
Where in the world the information is sent

Within Europe

We are based in the United Kingdom, and will normally access and use your information from here. Our Commercial Data is stored on UK-based servers.


Sometimes we will need to send information elsewhere in the world. This might be the case, for example:

• where we use cloud-based technology, a data centre or backup facility overseas. 

• for Marketing Data, our email marketing database and customer relationship management database are currently hosted by a service provider in the United States. People in other countries may also need to access that database for purposes such as technical support or system development and testing.

While countries within the UK and European Union all ensure a high standard of data protection law, some parts of the world may not provide the same level of legal protection in relation to personal data. As a result, when we do send personal data overseas, we will make sure that suitable safeguards are in place to protect the information. For example, these safeguards might include:

• Putting in place a contract with the recipient containing terms which have been approved regulators as providing a suitable level of protection, to include Standard Contract Clauses (SCCs) if appropriate.

If your information has been sent overseas like this, you can obtain further information about the safeguards used by contacting us using the details set out in section 1 above.

How long information is retained

For Commercial Data, personal data is stored for varying lengths depending on nature and purpose for which it was collected. We store personal data in line with any applicable statutory minimum periods, and then review it periodically (usually annually) to ensure it is still necessary to be retained for the purpose for which it was collected. 

Where there is a statutory maximum for which data can be retained, such as County Court Judgements we will delete accordingly on expiration.

For Marketing Data, we will normally keep your personal contact data while you have or your employer has an ongoing relationship with us or if you have demonstrated an interest in our products and services within the past two years. You can request us to delete it earlier as explained in section 9 below. 

Making decisions about you or profiling you using your personal data

For Commercial Data, our customers may choose to use the information we provide for profiling or combine with other information available to them. 

Their decision making may be based around whether to insure or market to, extend credit, acquire, trade or partner with a business. They may use the information to predict whether a business is likely to continue trading, pay its bills on time, receive credit, whether they would be likely to purchase a product or service, where they benchmark within their industry or whether they are subject to any specific risks. 

We do not make any decisions about an organisation - we do not hold blacklists and we do not tell our customers whether to trade with an organisation.

For Marketing Data, we use certain profiling techniques in order to help us to understand our clients and potential clients. This in turn helps us to understand which people might be interested in which of our products and services.

We do not use automated decision-making or profiling to make any decisions that will significantly affect you. For example, we do not use it to set the prices that we charge for our products and services.

Your rights in relation to data we hold about you

You have several different rights in relation to the personal data that we hold about you. These are briefly described below. To enquire about exercising these rights, please use the contact details set out section 1.

Access: You have a right to find out what personal data we hold about you and certain other information such as how we are using it. You also have a right to receive information in a portable format in certain circumstances. . To learn more about subject access requests or to submit a request for your information, please visit: Before we are able to provide you with any information or correct any inaccuracies, we may ask you to verify your identity and to provide other details to help us identify you and respond to your request.

Rectification: If you believe that the information that we hold about you is inaccurate or out of date, you have a right to ask us to correct it.

Restriction: In certain circumstances you can ask us to restrict in which ways we use your personal data. While the information is restricted, it can only be used for certain limited purposes such as bringing or defending legal claims, or protecting another person. It cannot be used or shared for ordinary purposes.

Objection processing: You have the right to object to our processing and/or request it is deleted or restricted. .If you disagree with us relying on the legitimate interests ground for using your personal data for example (see section 4. above), you can object to us doing so. In considering our response we undertake to ensure your interests, fundamental rights and freedoms are properly balanced against our legitimate interests. We will also look at whether it is still necessary to process your data for the purpose it was collected.

Withdrawal of consent: When we rely on your consent to use your data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You can do this by contacting us.

Erasure: In certain circumstances you can ask us to delete your personal data from our systems. However this usually won't apply to all of your data because we might have good reason for needing to keep some of it. For example, so that we do not subsequently contact you if we receive your details again in the future.

Portability: You have the right to receive limited types of information in a portable format.

Objection to direct marketing: You can let us know that you object to us using your personal data for our own direct marketing. Please unsubscribe from our emails, or contact .  We also will always observe your objection to us passing on your contact details to third parties for their direct marketing purposes: please contact including the name, business name, address, telephone number and email address that you wish to have excluded.

Who you can complain to if you’re unhappy about the use of your information

If you are not happy you should make contact so that we can investigate your concerns. Please contact us using these details:

  • Post: 1 Rockfield Business Park, Cheltenham, GL53 0AN
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 01242 904100

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the body that regulates the handling of personal data in the United Kingdom. 

You can do this online through the ICO’s website at, by telephone on 0303 123 1113, or by writing to them at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.

Updating this Privacy Notice

The copyright in this Privacy Policy is either owned by, or licensed to, us and is protected by copyright laws around the world and copyright protection software. 

All intellectual property rights in this document are reserved.

Updated: January 2024

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